Getting Open: Thielen Foundation Addressing Overlooked Mental Health of Youth

Getting Open: Thielen Foundation Addressing Overlooked Mental Health of Youth

......Although it is difficult to interpret whether this is a result of improved recognition of mental health symptoms, or because of environmental stressors like greater expectations in society, current events, or the social/emotional breakdown of the [COVID-19] pandemic, it does appear that kids and adolescents have been especially vulnerable," Young said. "Unfortunately, in my child/adolescent clinic, it seems like more and more of my patients have been in crisis lately, and I seem to be making an increasing number of referrals to the emergency room and various structured levels of care.

Young added: "The recent research has also shown that ERs everywhere are more overcrowded than ever during this pandemic with kids and teens waiting to be evaluated and hospitalized for suicidal thoughts.".....


Bethany`s Notes: A solid read on what one couple is doing to help a high risk population.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 15 Date: 4/8/2021 12:41:16 PM -