Charting a path through the student-athlete injury treatment and recovery process

Charting a path through the student-athlete injury treatment and recovery process

.....“The mental health component of [injury] is oftentimes every bit as significant as the physical component,” Brockmeier said. “When you look at an injury, it’s not a knee, it’s a person … and these are people who are very used to performing at a high level.”
Furthermore, particularly for high-achieving athletes like Madden who know what it feels like to be at the pinnacle of their sport, it can be tough to grapple with sitting on the sidelines and being unable to contribute to the team.... 

Bethany`s Notes: Dealing with an injury can be almost more challenging mentally than physically at times. For most physical injuries there are steps (i.e. surgery, certain amount of time off, etc..) that an athlete makes progress through. Mentally though the challenges can include so much more: fear, anxiety, depression, identity crisis, etc..

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 11 Date: 3/12/2021 9:30:17 AM -