MIND OVER MATTER: Black Hills State athletic teams utilizing app for mental training

MIND OVER MATTER: Black Hills State athletic teams utilizing app for mental training

.....The app, The Champions Mind App, was created towards the end of 2019. It’s currently being used in 30-40 countries with its main focus being used on U.S. College Sports.

A major goal is the app is to prepare the athletes for their respective sport  through mind and body. But, a bigger part of it is really what’s preparing them for the future.

“There’s a huge correlation between the skills that you develop as an athlete, those leadership skills, those confidence skills and then your success through the rest of your life,” said The Champions Mind App Co-Founder, Dave Kearney......


Bethany`s Notes: There are lots of options out there for students to grow in their mindset. This is just one of many options out there.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 11 Date: 3/12/2021 9:23:37 AM -