Morgan’s Message carries on student’s lasting legacy

Morgan’s Message carries on student’s lasting legacy

The last year of Morgan Rodgers’ life has a lot of gaps in it for her family. She sustained an injury during a lacrosse practice at Duke University in January 2017; following surgery and six weeks of no-weight bearing recovery, she began the long process of physical therapy.

“Morgan remained optimistic during the early months of her injury and recovery. We were told she would be cleared to play in about a year and we all felt that that was a realistic goal,” said her mother.

One year after her injury, her recovery wasn’t where they had hoped it would be. “She was able to run, but not at full speed and wasn’t cleared to play,” said her mother. It was then that her grades began to slip. “In hindsight, if we were familiar with the signs, her mental health decline would have been clearer,” said Rodgers about her daughter’s gradual withdrawal from her friends and interests.


Bethany`s Notes: There are a lot of moving parts for a student athlete at HS, college, and professional level. The more coaches are able to recognize the signs of mental health challenges the quicker an athlete can be approached to get the help they need.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 8 Date: 2/19/2021 10:46:11 AM -