I-Team: Abnormal season playing head games with student-athletes and their futures

I-Team: Abnormal season playing head games with student-athletes and their futures

....."One of the biggest struggles we are seeing is an increase in mental health symptoms," mental health therapist Emily Lindsay said. "Anxiety and depression are on the rise. It falls under the grief umbrella.".....
.....High school athletes were grieving and Otsego senior Olivia Stam said without the sport, a piece of her was missing. She compared the basketball court to a sanctuary.
"It`s not just basketball. It`s not just dribbling a ball up and down a court. It`s somewhere to go when you`re angry. It`s somewhere to go when you had a bad day at school or had a fight with your mom," Stam said......

Bethany`s Notes: The high schools in Michigan were just given the red light to start sports, the first time in 3 months. Listen to Olivia Stam, a HS senior at Otsego talk about here experience during this time.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 7 Date: 2/12/2021 1:03:11 PM -