Junior guard launches organization to discuss mental health struggles in sports

Junior guard launches organization to discuss mental health struggles in sports

.....Loder said the pressure to excel on the court can be consuming, and the isolation of the 2020-21 season during a pandemic has added another mental health challenge. After spending a week discussing the cause with her teammates on social media, Loder founded GW’s chapter of The Hidden Opponent, an organization focused on reducing the stigma around student-athlete mental health through education and discussion-based events.....
.....“You think you don’t have any worth outside of your athletic performance,” she said. “And that’s what I see a lot of my teammates struggle with, and that’s the biggest one that I struggle with because it’s just hard. There’s a lot of pressure to perform, and if you don’t perform well, you’re like, ‘That’s kind of it. That’s all that you’re worth.’”.....


Bethany`s Notes: Another student led initiative on a college campus to help eliminate the stigma of mental health in athletics.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 7 Date: 2/12/2021 12:50:40 PM -