Grad student combines athletics and mental health

Grad student combines athletics and mental health

.....Part of the problem was the culture and the idea that men aren’t supposed to express emotions. “Sports was something that defined our manhood, so we couldn’t show any weakness in athletics,” he said.

So instead of talking about it, Armstead held it in. But he also started reading everything he could about mental health and the mental side of sports.

Now, when he talks to young athletes, he uses himself as an example. Not to say that they too can get through the tough days, but as the reason why he does this. He wants to say: “I understand. I can empathize. I hear you. I’m here for you.”

His message to them is, “Sports is not who you are. It’s what you do. It does not define your value as a person. Separate yourself as a person from yourself as an athlete. Those are two different people.”.....


Bethany`s Notes: Always looking for people who are moving mental health in sports forward. A good read for someone who struggled on their own at a young age.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 6 Date: 2/5/2021 10:26:53 AM -