Tackling The Real Opponent: The Mental Health Of Athletes

Tackling The Real Opponent: The Mental Health Of Athletes

.....The frustration of coaches, the helplessness of parents and unstable confidence of the player has paved way for understanding the role of the mind in their performance. Developing mental skills, same like physical and technical ones by using techniques and tools that empower athletes to lead through psychological barriers in the event, has made players from amateur to elite professional ones consider mental training as a crucial element in their preparation.....
.....The mental health issue of an individual affects the same of their caregivers. Often parents and coaches are worn off physically as well as psychologically handling the players on daily bases. Lack of knowledge of how much it impacts the entire ecosystem and how much one can change this scenario by working on mental health status is the need of today`s hour.....

Bethany`s Notes: This article talks to why I created a Mental EDGE camp. Clearly students know their mental health is important but they needs skills, and teaching on the subject. A mental EDGE camp is just as important as a physical skills camp.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/29/2021 2:47:20 PM -