Antonio Outler opens up about mental health struggles with student-athletes

Antonio Outler opens up about mental health struggles with student-athletes

.....Outler admits the pressure to excel on the field can often be overwhelming when trying to balance academics, family and a social life as well.

“If you don’t go to school, you can’t go to college. If you can’t go to college, you can’t put food on the table,” says Outler.

Psychologist Jeff Gardere says all of that can sometimes feel like it’s too much to handle.

“We see them with the Friday night lights and they’re center stage,” Dr. Gardere explains. “We have to understand they are not immune to what other kids go through with mental health challenges, but they’re at extra risk because they have to perform all the time.”....


Bethany`s Notes: A good reminder for HS coaches and administration that the pressure is real and sometimes kids feel like they need to be the provide for their family. That`s a lot to ask of a 17 year old.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/29/2021 2:24:35 PM -