Personal, mental preparedness essential for sports return

Personal, mental preparedness essential for sports return

.....The holding pattern is dangerous. The stagnation can create a loss of interest, decrease motivation, and no longer give athletes the escape they desire in their lives. Athletics provide a forced structure that some athletes may not have at home and in some cases, a forced discipline. Staples of many athletic programs are accountability and discipline. The results of no longer having those structures and staples could be devastating.

"I fully expect some athletes will drop," Buning continued.....

....."You have a choice. You have a choice mentally. Do you continue to go down this rabbit hole of continuing with the anger and frustration? Or, do you let yourself express those things and express them appropriately and then figure out how to move past that," said Buning......


Bethany`s Notes: How will the events of the pandemic and the social unrest affect student athletes when they get back to sports? Are we giving them skills to learn emotion regulation? Are we using meditation or other skills as an option?

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 29 Date: 7/18/2020 6:16:53 AM -