Teacher Who Survived Katrina Has This Advice for Class of 2020

Teacher Who Survived Katrina Has This Advice for Class of 2020

.....This is supposed to be your year. The year for your senior prom, sporting events, cheer competitions, senior trips, clubs, and the rest of what senior year has to offer. You were supposed to be the captain of that team, the officer of that club, or that student who wanted to be with their friends one last year before venturing into the unknown. This was THE year that your entire schooling was building up to. But it was robbed from you because of this global pandemic.....   ...more

Bethany`s Notes: To HS seniors whose year was cut short....it`s okay to be sad. It`s okay to grieve the lost events. But know that you can come back stronger and you will grow in resilience. Keep your friends close and get to know your family better. We are here to support you through this time.

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 16 Date: 4/17/2020 1:23:26 PM -