Mental Health Issues Among Student Athletes: 10 Practical Steps for Athletics Directors

Mental Health Issues Among Student Athletes: 10 Practical Steps for Athletics Directors

...What used to be an isolated scenario is now the new norm. Mental health issues seriously affect the well-being and functioning of a growing number of student-athletes...

....The issue of mental health is by far the one that impact student-athletes well-being directly and profoundly. If identified early and treated appropriately, mental health issues among student-athletes can be effectively managed or treated. As a result, creating and maintaining a health-promoting environment that supports mental well-being and resilience has become a leading national issue in intercollegiate and high school athletics....

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: This article is a great viewpoint from an athletic director. I firmly believe everyone needs to rally around a student who is struggling with a mental health issues, including but not limited to: coaches, athletic trainers, school counselors, athletic directors, and parents. The saying holds true today: It`s takes a village to raise a child...including a young adult.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 1 Date: 12/3/2021 3:26:23 PM -