Commentary: The Experience of Depression during the Careers of Elite Male Athletes

Commentary: The Experience of Depression during the Careers of Elite Male Athletes

....And arguably the peak years for elite sport performance overlap with the period where the risk of mental health disorders are highest. Given the context of sport and the nature of competition and youth sport, how many coaches, parents and sporting organizations have ever considered this evidence or acted upon it?....

....Mental health stigma is a hurdle that is prevalent in the sport context and one that is particularly challenging in the patriarchal culture of elite sport. This paper draws attention to the poignant issue that men`s experience of gender role conflict may be associated with an increased endorsement of stigmatization around mental health concerns....

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: A gender specific article discussing men and the stigma of mental health. The comments this article provides on the research paper it reviews suggests mental health concerns are part of the larger sports community and not just between the therapist and the client.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 1 Date: 12/3/2021 3:26:23 PM -