When Failure is Not an Option, the Real Battle Is Off the Field

When Failure is Not an Option, the Real Battle Is Off the Field

....But in an “all or nothing” culture where weakness is anything short of the extraordinary, how does an athlete handle mental illness? If an introverted Marshawn Lynch can cause a media frenzy, what are athletes (their brand) to do if they’re struggling with real issues?....

....Just like a torn ACL, an untreated mental illness can prematurely end athletic careers. And, unlike a ligamentous injury, an untreated mental illness can be fatal. At every level, from high school to elite athletics, a better understanding of the psychological stress on athletes is worth a closer look.....

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Although athletes may look super human and we put them on a pedestal they are still human. They experience emotions of joy, grief, frustration, anger, hope, and many other emotions. The more they speak out when working through a mental illness the more others will do the same.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 1 Date: 12/3/2021 3:26:23 PM -