Mental health in sport: under the floodlights

Mental health in sport: under the floodlights

.....Whilst sportspeople can often be seen as “superhuman” by virtue of their sporting prowess and some achieve a measure of fame and accompanying adulation, along with the attendant financial rewards which that brings, what happens when a sportsperson is faced with the reality of retirement?.....

.....It has been said that a sports star will die twice, the first time at retirement, and many elite sportspeople (whether they are deemed to be “stars” or not) have to cope with what has been described as a feeling of emptiness in their post-retirement lives. This is not surprising considering that the hours of training and competition that are required to reach an elite level can lead to a sportsperson strongly identifying themselves as an “athlete”. .....

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: A piece by the UK who, at times, is more advance in handling mental health issues compared with America. Speaking out about mental health challenges and difficulties, either as one experiencing it or having a family member working through mental health issues, is one BIG way athletes can make a difference. Athletes, your words and actions speak loudly, so don`t be afraid to speak out!

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 1 Date: 1/4/2017 4:49:03 PM -