Staying game ready

Staying game ready

.....“Our Counseling Services director, Dr. Marcy Hunt, meets with all student athletes for an educational session called Mental Health 101,” said Dr. Dana Tasson, the Center for Student Health and Counseling’s executive director. “[The sessions] cover common mental health problems for students, tips for managing stress and self-care, and resources on campus.”.....

.....“We have an educational programming this year where we’re working with SHAC,” Miller said. “We have three specific workshops that our student-athletes will be going through. One’s on mental health, we have one on consent, and we also have a bystander training.”.....

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Great job Portland State for making sure EVERY student-athletes goes through some sort of mental health training. Providing resources and an open ear is one of the first steps to making sure student-athletes get the attention they need.

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