The Role of Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour in Sport and Exercise

The Role of Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour in Sport and Exercise

Many athletes and sports enthusiasts develop strong superstitious beliefs, leading them to engage in particular rituals and routines that they feel will enhance their performance. Once their rituals have been carried out, their obsessive behaviour gives them an illusion of power, control, and reassurance, helping them to eliminate any doubt and anxiety they may be experiencing to achieve that “just right” feeling. ...

....From the same playing field, Anorexia Athletica (Hypergymnasia), and Bigorexia (muscle dismorphia) are the titles that have been given to the under acknowledged (and seemingly overlooked) disorders, that best describe obsessive and compulsive behaviours towards exercise, fitness, athletic performance, and muscle definition – questionably occurring much more frequently than we think, across the male and female fitness enthusiasts in our achievement and performance driven society.

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Athletes tend to have a one goal mindset. We need to remind young athletes who are successful in sports to maintain a balance. Once again instead of focusing on the outcome of performance it might be better to praise the effort associated with the performance. This can help lead to better overall confidence and less fear of failure.

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