Why College Is a Risky Time for Students’ Mental Health

Why College Is a Risky Time for Students’ Mental Health

....Awareness around mental health on college campuses has increased in recent years, in part because of a spate of high-profile suicides and tragedies that have centered around mental health crises.....

....“College is a stressful time and it’s a major transition time in life,” says Gruttadaro. “Students are under high amounts of stress and their also exposed to a culture that they may have been sheltered from of drinking and marijuana use. There’s a lot of social pressure and a lot of academic pressure.” There’s also evidence that those who need counseling do not always get it.

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Perhaps the hardest situation with a college student is that parents are not always aware of the mental health issues their child might be facing due to privacy laws. Perhaps this is an area where we need to have the best interest of the student in mind and get all people on board for the best possible outcome.

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