Olympians Can Prove Mental Illness Doesn’t Mean You’re Weak

Olympians Can Prove Mental Illness Doesn’t Mean You’re Weak

Why is it that Olympians are so often asked about their physical health but rarely about their mental health? Many of them have admitted to various health issues they’ve overcome, but so few have opened up about living with a mental health condition......

....So why don’t Olympians talk freely about mental illness, if they have it? Probably stigma. Athletes want to be viewed as strong and empowered, and rightly so. They don’t want the public shaming them for any type of issue or condition, but especially one that is so heavily stigmatized in our society.

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Having elite athletes share their stories about mental health can help normalize what others might be feeling as well. Being able to manage mental health symptoms while competing at the highest level certainly supports the idea that athletes are strong!

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