Student-athletes and the stigma of mental health

Student-athletes and the stigma of mental health

“I think there is a misconception that because they are athletes performing at high levels that they are not going to get depression or any other mental illness. When in actuality, mental illness can impact anyone, no matter what your job or title is,” Petruzzelli said. “There are many high functioning people in many different professions that get depression, including athletes. Your job title or profession does not make you immune to the risk factors of getting a mental illness.”.....

When it comes to dealing with the stress, it isn’t always easy, and the stigma attached to staying strong can be a burden to not just athletes but for staff as well. Jeffrey Law, a former strength and conditioning coach with the Sac State athletic department, killed himself last August over external life issues...

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: A great article about how mental health not only affects students but also staff and coaches. Unfortunately the tragedy of one of their own strength and conditioning coaches has allowed a more open discussion about mental health and how to seek out help.

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