It’s not just physical: The psychology behind an Olympic athlete

It’s not just physical: The psychology behind an Olympic athlete

It is not only crucial to be the strongest and fastest in the specific category but an elite Olympian must also learn to be mentally and emotionally focused throughout every practice and every competition....

......This fight or flight response is controlled by the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary in the brain which release hormones to elicit the adrenal gland to flood the body and brain with norepinephrine, the body’s natural stress hormone and energy booster. This neurotransmitter allows every vital organ in the body to function stronger during this moment of stress. So how does one train Olympic athletes to mentally prepare for the most stressful moment of their lives?

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Mental training can include ways to handle stressful situations like the death of someone in your family. Elite athletes learn to deal with all these situations beforehand so when they unexpected happens they are as ready as possible.

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