The Mindful Athlete: Can Preventative Mental Health Improve Performance, Too?

The Mindful Athlete: Can Preventative Mental Health Improve Performance, Too?

While athletes are constantly seeking ways to one-up the competition, Ervin`s attitude toward mental health is still a somewhat uncommon sentiment—but perhaps not for much longer....

......Meditation, with its ability to train the mind to better focus and quiet itself, as well as potential for neuroplasticity—altering the form and function of the brain— is among the most common, most accessible, and possibly most effective of preventative techniques. It is a key component of mindfulness, a relatively new concept in psychology that emphasizes the ability to remain present in a stimuli-choked society.

"Student-athletes are starting to realize that there is perhaps an edge in being able to be mentally fit," Lawrence said.

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: Mentally fit is just as important as physical fitness. If you are a coach do not neglect this component of training. It make take time but you will see the benefits. Take time to have your athletes be at their best through meditation.

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