Sharing My Mental Health Story Was Tougher Than Olympic Competition

Sharing My Mental Health Story Was Tougher Than Olympic Competition

Sharing my story in Unsinkable was more terrifying than sitting in the starting gates of an Olympic final. I felt like I was daring myself to cross some arbitrary line in the sand, and once I did, there would be no turning back. Canadians` perceptions of who I was, and certainly their knowledge of my life story, would be forever altered. Even if only a few dozen people heard my story, it felt big to share personally and publicly....

....."What is inexcusable is when the stigma of mental illness prevents people from getting help. This is something we can do something about. This is something that each of us has the power to influence."

Bethany`s Notes
Notes: If you need help ask! Talk to someone who will listen to your concerns and guide you in the right direction to get professional counseling. The author provides three ways to reduce the stigma of mental health and the one I find the most important is providing compassion to everyone you meet.

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