…..The Inspire Sport product is available to users as young as eight, but, so far, its sweet spot is in the 12-to-14 age range. Flamsteed says the algorithms are designed to push appropriate content and make recommendations when it notices, say, a sad face for mood three days in a row or sleep less than seven hours for five straight days. The users are also incentivized to gain points and levels, earning badges such as “Sleep Warrior” or “Recovery Warrior.” The idea is not just to focus on stopping bad behavior with red flags, but also rewarding good behavior via green flags…. …..Young athletes
determined to reach the pinnacle of their sports should still expect to shed
occasional blood, sweat and tears in pursuit of
those goals, she says, but those undertakings should be more measured
and monitored. “The sporting community
in general, we`ve really struggled in the last 20 years—and we probably still
will for a while—to ethically find the balance between what it takes to be an
elite athlete and what is abuse,” she says..… Bethany`s Notes: A new app created in Australia (InspireTek) is finding ways to target and help the mental health of teens. Check it out when you have time. | ||
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