Missy Franklin Shares Mental Health Struggles At Johnson Depression Center Luncheon

Missy Franklin Shares Mental Health Struggles At Johnson Depression Center Luncheon

.....Franklin, a five-time Olympic gold medalist who grew up in Colorado, spoke frankly about her mental health struggles — most notably being diagnosed with depression, insomnia, anxiety, and an eating disorder shortly before competing in the 2016 summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

“At this point, what do I do?” she said, describing the way she felt in 2016. “I`m so close to trials, where people are expecting for me to make the team, no problem, and then go on to have the best eight days of competition in my life. And I’ve never been lower. I’ve never been further from myself as a person or as an athlete. And I have weeks to turn it around. Where do I start?”.....


Bethany`s Notes: Missy shares her experience from her time in London during the 2012 games till her time in Rio and the hard transition it was to enjoy her Rio games.

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