Dayton Children’s new program focuses on female athlete’s health

Dayton Children’s new program focuses on female athlete’s health

.....“We began developing The Center for the Female Athlete about two years ago. We recognized that female athletes had higher rates of nutritional and mental health concerns than their male counterparts or non-athletes, which were having a negative impact on their sports performance and recovery,” said Lora Scott, MD, program director for sports medicine at Dayton Children’s. “We developed this program in response, so we could help provide holistic, wraparound care for these athletes.”......
.....Girls who enter The Center for the Female Athlete participate in an integrated care model that assesses them holistically, looking at their physical, nutritional and emotional heath, according to a release. The program focuses on exercise habits, hormonal balance, nutrition and counseling support to enable optimal health and teach them healthy habits.....

Bethany`s Notes: This is a great idea to create a more holistic view of the female athlete at the hospital level. Some hospitals focus only on the medical outcome but the Dayton hospital is taking a more long-term approach. I`m grateful for their action and ability to create this approach.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 27 Date: 7/3/2021 7:54:38 AM -